Aug 30, 2010


Allahu Akbar , Allahu Akbar , Allahu Akbar.

Ta' terasa kurang dari 1 minggu lagi kita akan merayakan hari kemenangan.
Hari yang penuh dengan ampunan.

Semoga semua amal puasa dan amal kebaikan kita di bulan ramadhan ini di terima oleh Allah SWT.

Dan ta' lupa pula penulis mengucapkan mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya apabila ada salah kata, salah ucap, dan salah tulis.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

Aug 27, 2010


Gua baca artikel ini disalah satu site gitar indonesia ni. tapi jujur gua juga belum mencobanya sendiri seh....

Jadi yang perlu disediakan diantaranya :

1. Kabel gitar

2. Jack Connector

Perlu dijelaskan bahwa pada setiap komputer / laptop biasanya terdapat sound card. Fisiknya bisa dilihat dari luar berupa colokan line-in, microphone, speaker (earphone). Bagi yang komputer / laptop nya sudah memakai speaker luar bisa langsung melihat karena letaknya berdekatan dengan colokan speaker yang dipakai.

Jika dilihat colokan microphone ataupun line-in lebih kecil dari pada jack pada kabel gitar jadi digunakanlah alat yang namanya jack connector sebagai perantara.

Biar lebih seru download lagu kesukaanmu (lagu tanpa suara gitarnya) di situs ini . Mainkan lagunya lalu isi suara gitarnya dengan raungan gitar kamu yang telah tersambungjangan nanya ya,coz gua juga blum nyoba..........ucey.....!!!!!

DIKUTIP DARI musikntips

Chort Guitar


Cara baca tab tu seh sebenarnya gampang, cuma agak bingung ja klo diliat,palagi klo orang yang da gmasalah ama mata. cara bacanya gini ni:
Inti nya tulisan angka adalah kolom (fret) senar
sedangkan garis yang jumlahnya enam adalah senar
Jadi kombinasi kolom dan senar ke berapa.
Bagian Pertama :
e |–1—2—3—4————————
B |—————————————–
G |—————————————–
D |—————————————–
A |—————————————–
E |—————————————–
artinya petik senar pertama (paling bawah) berturut-turut mulai dari fret (kolom) 1, fret 2, fret 3, fret 4
artinya petik senar kedua (dari bawah) berturut-turut mulai dari fret (kolom) 1, fret 2, fret 3, fret 4
1. petik senar ke-4 (hitung dari bawah) fret (kolom) ke-4 lalu
2. petik senar ke-3 (hitung dari bawah) fret (kolom) ke-3 lalu
3. petik senar ke-2 (hitung dari bawah) fret (kolom) ke-2 lalu
4. petik senar ke-1 (paling bawah) fret (kolom) ke-0 (dilepas)
Cara baca tablature Bagian kedua
Pada bagian ke dua ini hanya menjelaskan cara baca tanda pada tablature
Artinya slide petik senar ke satu (paling bawah) pada fret/kolom ke 7 lalu tanpa diangkat
geser ke depan sampe ke senar sembilan (tanpa di petik lagi senarnya).
Artinya kebalikannya dari slide.
|–7h9– kebalikannya |–9p7–
|——- |——-
|——- |——-
|——- |——-
|——- |——-
|——- |——-
Artinya h (hammer on)
Gampangnya gini tekan dulu senar satu kolom ke tujuh pake telunjuk lalu petik jangan dilepas
lalu pijit senar ke sembilan pake jari manis. Ingat petik hanya sekali untuk dua nada.
Artinya p (full off)
Teken dahulu pada senar satu kolom ke sembilan (pake jarimanis) dan kolom ke tujuh (pake telunjuk).
Lalu petik senar (keluar nada pada kolom sembilan) kemudian angkat jarimanis (keluar nada pada kolom
Penjelasan sederhana.
Petik senar ke dua kolom duabelas (usahakan pijit dengan tiga jari agar kuat) tahan
lalu geser ke arah atas (bukan ke depan) sampe dapet suara nada senar ke 13 (setengah nada) atau ke 14
(satu nada) catatan biar lebih pas kamu dengerin lagunya kira-kira naik setengah nada atau satu
nada. Soalnya kebanyakan tablature gak dijelasin naiknya berapa nada.
Gampang kan?? sering-sering berlatih aja yah….

Dikutip dari :’musikntips

Aug 17, 2010

Mencegah klik kanan lalu copas/copy paste

Hehehe sobat gak pengen tulisannya di curi oleh orang lain?

Mencegah klik kanan lalu copas/copy paste huh menyebalkan.

Caranya mudah…

1. Sign in keBlogmu

2. Tata letak > Edil html> cari kode ini <body>

3. Masukan kode dibawah ini di bawah kode tadi <body>:

<script language='JavaScript'>

var message="Isi dengan pesan kamu ";

function clickIE4(){

if (event.button==2){


return false;


function clickNS4(e){

if (document.layers||document.getElementById&amp;&amp;!document.all){

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return false;


if (document.layers){




else if (document.all&amp;&amp;!document.getElementById){



document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")


4.selesai deh postingan sobat din jamin aman oleh copy paste

Penting :

1. kata yang Isi dengan pesan yang kamu biasa diganti dengan tulisanmu untuk memperingatkan visitor

2. bila ingin memngopy script gunakan (ctrl+c)

Aug 13, 2010

The Advent Of Rock Music

Rock music, in one form or another, has been around for years. Many pin point the 1950s as the advent of rock with the emergence of Elvis Presley. Though not performing ‘rock’ as we know it, Presley is credited as being a pioneer as rock and roll.

Presley’s ‘new’ music caused a stir amongst the music industry and outrage amongst some parents as his risqué dance moves left many in shock.

In the 60s rock music evolved further when four lads form Liverpool came to the fore. The Beatles are one of the most successful bands of all time and in the 1960s Beatlemania gripped the world!

The 1970s saw the advent of two subgenres of rock - glam rock and punk rock. Both had their roots firmly in rock music but they were very different form each other. Punk rock was about rebellion and anarchy with bands like the Sex Pistols at the fore front of the movement.

Glam rock was more experimental and saw the like of David Bowie lead the way. Make up, glitter and platforms were the style of choice.

By the 1980s rock had evolved even further. One of the main forms of rock in the 1980s was soft rock. Power ballads were en vogue and big hair was the order of the day. Bands like Chicago and Mr Mister were setting the tone.

There was also a darker, more aggressive rock on the scene with bands like Black Sabbath gaining coverage.

Towards the end of the decade we saw more American rock bands - particularly shoe-gaze rock bands - come into the scene. The term shoe-gaze was coined from the way the lead singer of such bands would perform on stage, usually staring at his feet!

The 1990s saw indie rock take the spotlight. While pop was dominating much of the charts, Brit pop - a form of indie rock emerged and fierce chart battles ensued.

Grunge rock was also big in the 1990s with bands like Nirvana reaching the top of the charts.

2000s saw indie rock back on top as Arctic Monkeys from the UK and Kings of Leon from the US continue to dominate the music industry.

A rock band usually includes one or more guitarists, a drummer and a bassist along with a lead singer. This can change though for example the rock band Keane originally had no guitarists but for the most part this format is followed.

Rock music is one of the biggest and most successful genres of music in the history of the music industry and if recent record sales are anything to go by it shows little sign of giving up that claim.

Source : Christian Wilson

The Sony Ericsson Spiro Is A Great Choice For Music Fans

Mobile phone users today are looking for exceptional audio performance with cutting-edge sound and clarity. The Sony Ericsson Spiro offers this, all with sleek and elegance and a small, something leaving consumers rejoicing the world over. With the inclusive of Sony's Walkman technology, the Spiro is a superb entertainment device.

----Music Features

(1) Walkman technology: For over twenty years, Sony has provided consumers with stunning quality and performance with their Walkman series of products. Now, that technology is incorporated into the Sony Ericsson Spiro, allowing mobile phone users to access and store and listen to hours upon hours of music.

(2) Streaming FM radio: Ever since the modern radio was invented, consumers have been demanding more and more access to it and its features. Now that it is incorporated into the Spiro, mobile phone users can pick and choose local radio stations to listen to and enjoy, whilst on the move, at home, and when out and about during day to day life. This feature has proven to be very, very successful with mobile phone enthusiasts.

(3) Expandable microSD slot: The Sony Ericsson Spiro comes with 5 GB of internal microSD memory, allowing a mobile phone user to store thousands of songs for his or her enjoyment, playable anywhere and at any time. And, with the microSD slot's upgradeable capability in upwards to 16 GB, mobile phone users never have to fear if they'll run out of storage space again.

(4) Flawless media player: The media player featured on the phone that features Sony Walkman technology can be played whilst surfing the Internet, looking at photos and photo galleries, whilst taking pictures of videos, and can be paused momentarily when a friend or loved one calls, all features sought after by mostly all mobile phone users, proving Sony's inevitable place as a leader in the mobile phone industry and a favourite amongst mobile phone users and fans.

----In Retrospect

The Sony Ericsson Spiro has superb music features, allowing any mobile phone user to utilize its microSD capabilities and store hours of high quality songs and sound clips. If you're looking to buy a cheap and feature-rich mobile phone, whether it be for a loved one or a friend, the Spiro is the perfect choice, and will prove to satisfy any modern user, whether it be the average person or the hardcore enthusiast whom peers deep into mobile phones with a fine-tooth comb.

Source : Chris Westley

Aug 12, 2010

Pasang Jam

Untuk mempercantik blog tidak salahnya sdr dapat memasang jam sebagai penunjuk di blog. Salah satu situs penyedia layanan penunjuk waktu dapat diakses di Pemilihan situs layanan ini dikarenakan clocklink menyediakan beragam jenis jam dengan animasi yang menarik. langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikjut :

1. Pada address browser ketik

2. Klik menu Gallery, Lalu pilih kategori jam yang diinginkan, misalnya Analog .
3. Jika jenis jam telah dipilih (warna / bentuknya), lalu klik View HTML tag.
4. Muncul window baru klik Accept .
5. Maka akan tampil kode-kode HTML.
6. Isikan Timezona --> Pilih zona waktu Anda (Barat-GMT+7, Tengah-GMT+8, Timur-GMT+9)
7. Klik kotak Show the city name option --> masukkan kota Anda tinggal
8. 8. Size --> Pilih ukuran jam secara default 150 X 1509. Copy kode-kode HTML tsb kemudian simpan pada notepad.


1. Login pada

2. Klik tab Tata Letak
3. Klik Tambahkan sebuah elemen halaman
4. Klik tombol TAMBAHKAN KE BLOG di bawah tulisan HTML/JavaScript
5. Copy kode yang ada di notepad lalu paste pada kolom yang di sediakan .
7. Pindahkan elemen yang baru di buat pada tempat yang Anda inginkan,
8. Lalu klik tombol SIMPAN
9. Selesai.

Selamat Mencoba !!!!


Aug 11, 2010

The Advent Of Rock Music

Rock music, in one form or another, has been around for years. Many pin point the 1950s as the advent of rock with the emergence of Elvis Presley. Though not performing ‘rock’ as we know it, Presley is credited as being a pioneer as rock and roll.

Presley’s ‘new’ music caused a stir amongst the music industry and outrage amongst some parents as his risqué dance moves left many in shock.

In the 60s rock music evolved further when four lads form Liverpool came to the fore. The Beatles are one of the most successful bands of all time and in the 1960s Beatlemania gripped the world!

The 1970s saw the advent of two subgenres of rock - glam rock and punk rock. Both had their roots firmly in rock music but they were very different form each other. Punk rock was about rebellion and anarchy with bands like the Sex Pistols at the fore front of the movement.

Glam rock was more experimental and saw the like of David Bowie lead the way. Make up, glitter and platforms were the style of choice.

By the 1980s rock had evolved even further. One of the main forms of rock in the 1980s was soft rock. Power ballads were en vogue and big hair was the order of the day. Bands like Chicago and Mr Mister were setting the tone.

There was also a darker, more aggressive rock on the scene with bands like Black Sabbath gaining coverage.

Towards the end of the decade we saw more American rock bands - particularly shoe-gaze rock bands - come into the scene. The term shoe-gaze was coined from the way the lead singer of such bands would perform on stage, usually staring at his feet!

The 1990s saw indie rock take the spotlight. While pop was dominating much of the charts, Brit pop - a form of indie rock emerged and fierce chart battles ensued.

Grunge rock was also big in the 1990s with bands like Nirvana reaching the top of the charts.

2000s saw indie rock back on top as Arctic Monkeys from the UK and Kings of Leon from the US continue to dominate the music industry.

A rock band usually includes one or more guitarists, a drummer and a bassist along with a lead singer. This can change though for example the rock band Keane originally had no guitarists but for the most part this format is followed.

Rock music is one of the biggest and most successful genres of music in the history of the music industry and if recent record sales are anything to go by it shows little sign of giving up that claim.

Source : Christian Wilson

Aug 8, 2010

Elementary Students Can Improvise Music

When I taught instrumental music in public schools, I guided my students to perform a simple 12-bar blues jam. I learned this approach when volunteering and substituting for Randy Porter in Oakland, CA and embellished it in my own classroom and studio.

You, as music teacher, can do this with your students too! Concert C works well as the first key. You can play a recording of "C Jam Blues" to demonstrate a very simple melody and progression. "Bags' Groove" is another good example. Charts for these songs can be found in the Real Book.

Make a simple recording of the chord changes for your students to play solos over for home practice. You can play piano or guitar live in class and/or use a publishing program such as Sibelius or Finale to create your backing tracks. If you're feeling adventurous and have the time, you could multi-track backing tracks on a hard-disk recorder and transfer those to CDs. For example, I've produced the Beginning Improvisation method that includes practice chord progressions included for all 12 keys for blues and dominant 7ths.

The key to making this process fun for young learners is to demonstrate using only three notes to start with. By limiting the number of notes they need to remember, you free them to be creative with their rhythms. Start first with only quarter notes and half notes. Then add in some swinging eighths when they are ready.

The point of this exercise is for you and your students to have fun while they are learning to use the theory (scales) you are teaching them in smaller pieces.

The next steps are to repeat the process adding two more notes (playing with the first five notes of the scale) and then finally using all the notes of the blues scale. You can break it down for each chord in the progression and your more advanced beginning improvisers can change scales with the chord changes. Students who are less comfortable can use the blues scale of the key all the way through the 12-bar sequence.

Over the same Dominant 7th chord changes, you can use the Dominant 7th scales to create jazzy melodies. Using the same method as above, you can demonstrate these sounds for your students and break these scales down into smaller pieces for melodic explorations.

It's really fun for students to create their own melodies. Some may be a little cautious at first if they're used to always reading notes from the page. The ideal class setting would be to introduce improvisation in their earliest stages of learning so that it's not foreign to them and they don't fear doing it wrong or making mistakes. Let them know that as long as they stick to the notes of the correct scale, they're doing a great job!

Improvisation is a great way to involve students in the live creative process. Who knows? Maybe the next Miles Davis or Charlie Parker is in your classroom...

Source : Julie C. Larson

How To Make Money Off Of Music

Right, so you are a musician and want to learn how to make money off of music? There are many ways to make money off of music, it just takes some hard work and some know how. When I first started playing gigs I was stoked to get two free drinks and find a five dollar bill in the tip jar, but it doesn't have to be like this...If you do one or two of these things well, you can make money playing music for a living.

Join a cover band who plays on cruise ships. Luxury cruise ships are a rapidly growing industry which have a high demand for entertainment. These cruise ships can afford to pay musicians up to 10 grand each for a four month job. The food and board is accommodated as well. Travel the world and make a boat load of money. The amount of jobs for cover bands at local clubs is few and far between, so playing cruise ships is the way to go. Search on and keep your eyes open for these cruise ship jobs.

Be prepared to market yourself. If you are a singer/songwriter and you plan on making money off of your music, you have to treat music like a full time job. Create a professional website with quality photos, recordings, a press pack, good reviews, and a bio. Hire somebody to get your website to the top of google for certain searches. Some examples are "San Diego Local bands" or "best new music LA". Sticker and flier up the town, and play open mikes frequently. Whenever you play a gig or an open mike say your group name at least two times every 15 minutes. Look like a rock star, and always have your cd handy to sell. Network with everybody, and if you're not playing gigs in LA or New York, you should start.

Teach lessons for the instrument you play. This also involves having a sold marketing plan and a good sense for business. Advertise on craigslist and other free sites like this. Get car magnets and t-shirts with your business name and a phone number on them. Your business name could just be your name, plus what instrument you teach. For example "Steve Brown Drum Lessons" or "Michelle Davis Guitar Lessons". Do research on what people charge in your area and either match it, or just lower your price by 5 bucks. Teaching lessons has been my number one source of income for a long time and it's a really fun job!

Source : Ryan Fox

Aug 7, 2010

Xperience the Musical Xtravaganza with Nokia 5800 Xpress Music

Gone are the days when mobile phones were used just for convenience and not as necessity. Now-a-days, these are serving as one of the most indispensable parts of any individual’s life. Since they help us in staying in contact with whole world, they are acting as a wonderful invention of mankind. Also, these days mobile phones offer large number of features, rather than being used only for call making & receiving activity. They incorporate many utilities like SMS, MMS, camera, wide display, music players, high-speed internet support, functionality etc.

We all know that Nokia is the pioneer company in mobile phones manufacturing arena. Being leading mobile phone making company requires maintenance of high standards in handsets and delivering uniqueness in each and every product. And, they are just about excellent if not completely ideal.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is the newest entry in UK mobile market from this mobile giant. Being youngest in Xpress Music series, 5800 Xpress Music comes in dazzling black colour with Grey on side lines. The wholesome appearance with cool matt finish offers a royal look to this phone. When talking about the measurement scenario, the dimensions are 108mm in length by 50mm wide by 17 mm thick with weight measuring about 123 g. This Nokia 5800 mobile phone is handy & easy to carry around as far as size and weight is concerned.

Nokia 5800 express music( Mobile Phone comes with 2.2 inches TFT display with resolutions of 240 x 320 pixels, offering quality viewing experience. The device entails pre-downloaded polyphonic ringtones, AAC and MP3 formats. With 3G support, this mobile phone facilitates high-speed internet surfing facility.

For delivering the heart-throbbing musical touch, Nokia 5800 mobile phone comes with stereo speakers & this mobile also supports various audio-video formats like WMV, MP4, 3GP video player, MP3, M4A music player. The additional feature of speakerphone facilitates hands free talking experience. This mobile phone also includes a Stereo FM radio.

Like earlier Nokia Mobile phones, this Xpress music also works on Symbian OS. With 3.2 MP camera boasting auto focus and LED flash features, the photography experience is quite one of a kind. This mobile phone incorporate secondary camera also which enables video calling & features like Push to talk and video conferencing. Nokia 5800 mobile phone comes with 81 MB internal storage memory which can be expandable up to 8 GB, thus offering ample space for users to store images & videos. This mobile phone offers standard battery talk time of 3 h 30 min and a stand-by time of up to 290 h.

Source : Roger Binny

Aug 6, 2010

Music Producer Pro Review

I chose to write a Music Producer review to tell you about Music Producer, which is an online resource center for those who are interested in sequencing techniques, equipment and instruments.

Before I talk more about this Music Producer review, let me just say that Music Producer is for people who love to self study. I've always been a fan of self studying because I feel like I'm learning more. It's just that I want to be able to select which material to study first. But if you are a student of music, whether self studying or in school, you can still benefit from this Music Producer website.

Having said that, let's continue with this Music Producer review.

If you're a budding music producer who wants to create quality tracks at the shortest time possible, this is for you. All the things you need are on the site so you just need to study them. Although you don't need to worry about that too much; if you're already halfway through this Music Producer review, I can tell you're serious about this.

You will see a plethora of music tracks and an entire database of music resources. Listings for record labels and industry contacts are also listed. You'll also get access to programs that'll teach you how to play any instrument you desire.

One of the major reasons that I wrote this Music Producer review is the fact that you get training in more than one music genre. Genre categories encompass hip hop, western, country, rock and more.

There are over a thousand references for arranging, beat making, loop control and others...

I wouldn't be able to sit back and let only the good stuff roll, so you're going to find some negative stuff too in this Music Producer review. I found the bass video lessons and mp3 bass material was just not up to par. I didn't get the video tutorials for bass lessons. If you're into bass playing, you shouldn't raise your expectations too high.

Source : James Jackson

Chord Inversions

When you actually get to look at the succession of chords in a song, it can be pretty intimidating when you see the inversions come up. Chord inversions are something that seems to be really intimidating for most beginner guitar players. And there are a lot of guitar players who just shrug off the learning of chord inversions just because they think that it is difficult to learn and that they will be able to become really successful guitar players without even learning these inversions. What you might not know is that the chord inversions could be something that you really need to learn for you to be able to get the exact chord that would fit the song.

Chord inversions are chords made in the same bass chord. The lowest note of the chord is the tonic. When you execute the chord, you will maintain that lowest chord. Every time you execute a chord in the root or the tonic, this means the chord is an inversion. In the case of a C chord for example, any chord executed with C as the bass is an inversion of the C chord.

Most of the time, chords are played with about three or four notes fingered on the guitar. This means that you might be fingering two or three notes on the bass position. In a C chord for example, you need to finger C, E and G. On a Cmaj7, you have a C, E, G, B.

There are three types of chord inversions. They are respectively and aptly called first, second and third inversions. The first inversion calls for the 3rd of the chord on the bass note. This gives the term for it. The first inversion of the chord requires the 3rd of the chord be the first note after the root. The second inversion, now, has the 5th of the chord on a bass position. The terminology is derived from the idea of the 5th of the chord being the second tone after the tonic or the bass. And as you may have realized by now, the third inversion requires having its 7th as the bass. You get the drift, don’t you?

Let’s take for example a Cmaj7. The chord is played with a C, E, G and B. On the first inversion, you will be getting an E, G, B and C. Of course that would be too difficult to perform in the exact order. So you would have to rearrange the notes in such a ways that your fingers will be able to accommodate the notes. This process is known as the drop-two voicing. The new arrangement will be E, B, C and G.

When you actually think about it, it’s not really that difficult. Here is a list of the steps you need to take in order to create the inversions:

1. Take note of all the notes used in the chord according to the root positions.

2. Take the first note and place it in the last position or at the back of the line of chords.

3. The second note follows suit, taking the last place.

4. Finger the new chord out on the fret board.

5. Repeat the steps this time using the notes from the first inversion.

It’s not too difficult after all, isn’t it?

Source : Harvey Mosley

Aug 5, 2010

Heavy Metal Music as Sound Therapy?

Whenever I present to groups about sound therapy or talk with people at trade fairs, I often get expressions of concern and questions about heavy metal music. These are valid concerns, so I decided to take a closer look. My closer look has provided some interesting insight.

Heavy metal music has been a personal journey for our family. Our son, Matt, is lead guitar in a heavy metal band. It is his favorite music. He is a fabulously talented guitarist. Matt is also an early indigo child and one of the wisest, old souls I know. If I need advice, I will often ask Matt. He is one of the kindest, compassionate, joyful and authentic people I know.

Heavy metal music touched our family in a very personal way when Matt entered grade 10 in high school. By the second term, Matt was suffering from a clinical depression. For him, it was a true dark night of the soul.

Medication and intervention were refused as he relied on his own inner wisdom and healer. From a very young age, this wise old soul has preferred to heal himself. Mind you, for a broken arm, he was taken to the hospital. The doctors were amazed at how quickly he healed.

What he found during this dark night of the soul was an expression of what he was going through in the form of heavy metal music. If he was feeling really angry, for example, he would play some really angry music, we would plug our ears, and shortly, he would emerge from his room calmer.

Now, Matt regularly shares with me videos on youtube of his favorite bands and performers. We gleefully share our wonder over the technical and musical accomplishments of some of these guitarists. I also share with him my concern over the content of some of the songs and its effect on him. As a classically trained musician and sound and energy healer, I had some serious reservations about this style of music.

Many people enthusiastically condemn heavy metal music. You may even be aware of a court case or two brought against a band concerning its influence over young people. I believe that labeling it "bad" and shoving it under the rug may not be the wisest thing to do.

Music and art are reflections of what is going on in the heart, mind and soul of humanity. With heavy metal music, I believe that we are staring right into our collective shadow. What is the content of this shadow? Death, anger, fear, illness, sex, repressed weakness, shortcomings and instincts. Welcome to heavy metal.

Each of us is a mixture of light (like compassion) and shadow (like dark angry thoughts). We like very much to avoid the shadow. The problem is that the more we avoid or repress it, the darker it becomes.

Sometimes we have to turn out all the lights and sit in the dark to understand the nature of the darkness. Sometimes that experience becomes the dark night of the soul where we confront our own shadow side.

Humanity as a whole is undergoing a shift in consciousness right now and part of this shift involves understanding and creating a relationship with our collective shadow. As an individual, some of the unconsciousness mind becomes conscious. As a species, some of our collective unconscious is becoming conscious and we are getting a good look. As a result, humanity is experiencing a collective dark night of the soul.

The great psychiatrist, Carl Jung wrote about the shadow and coined the term collective unconscious. One of the things he said was, "To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light." (Good and Evil in Analytical Psychology (1959). In Collected Works 10. Civilization in Transition, p. 872.)

He also said, "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." (The Philosophical Tree (1945). In Collected Works 13: Alchemical Studies, p. 335.)

The gift of heavy metal music is that it forces us to look at our collective shadow. We have been shoving it under the rug for millennia. It has grown deep and dark there. By bubbling up in music and art, it forces us to take a good look and make some choices about what we see.

Source : Sharon Carne

Aug 3, 2010

Aliran-aliran musik

Berikut adalah daftar aliran/genre utama dalam musik. Masing-masing genre terbagi lagi menjadi beberapa sub-genre. Pengkategorian musik seperti ini, meskipun terkadang merupakan hal yang subjektif, namun merupakan salah satu ilmu yang dipelajari dan ditetapkan oleh para ahli musik dunia.
Dalam beberapa dasawarsa terakhir, dunia musik mengalami banyak perkembangan. Banyak jenis musik baru yang lahir dan berkembang. Contohnya musik triphop yang merupakan perpaduan antara beat-beat elektronik dengan musik pop yang ringan dan enak didengar. Contoh musisi yang mengusung jenis musik ini adalah Frou Frou, Sneaker Pimps dan Lamb. Ada juga hip-hop rock yang diusung oleh Linkin Park. Belum lagi dance rock dan neo wave rock yang kini sedang in. banyak kelompok musik baru yang berkibar dengan jenis musik ini, antara lain Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party, The Killers, The Bravery dan masih banyak lagi.
Bahkan sekarang banyak pula grup musik yang mengusung lagu berbahasa daerah dengan irama musik rock, jazz dan blues. Grup musik yang membawa aliran baru ini di Indonesia sudah cukup banyak salah satunya adalah Funk de Java yang mengusung lagu berbahasa Jawa dalam musik rock.
• Musik klasik
• Musik rakyat/musik tradisional
• Musik keagamaan
o Gambus
o Kasidah
o Nasyid
• Blues
• Jazz
• Country
• Rock
• Musik populer
• Musik dunia

Sumber: Wikipedia

Aug 2, 2010

Lirik Lagu The Virgin – Love Setengah Mati

Hmmm ...... yes my friend singing hobby? Ow mate again the same love to ya new song of The Virgin? Hehe ..:-). SIP.The Virgin song emang sip bangetzz okay.!

The lyrics could be coffee buddies at here.Silahkan who want to copy the lyrics, already in below, still a not ta 'ordered to pay .. hehe.alias kox.

Lirik Lagu The Virgin – Love Setengah Mati

Hatiku bahagia
Saat didekatmu
Jiwaku melayang
Bersama dirimu
Aku ingin dirimu
Mengapa kau jauh
Aku merindumu
Tak dapat ku hidup
Tanpa senyumanmu
Sayang ku mencintaimu
Houu.. woo. cintaku milikmu
Sayang untuk selamanya
Kasih indahnya hidupku
Houu.. woo. engkaulah cintaku
Mengapa kau jauh
Aku merindumu
Tak dapat ku hidup
Tanpa senyumanmu
Sayang ku mencintaimu
Houu.. woo.. cintaku milikmu
Sayang untuk selamanya
Kasih indahnya hidupku
Houu.. woo.. engkaulah cintaku
Kasih indahnya hidupku
Houu.. woo.. engkaulah cintaku
Tak dapat ku hidup
Tanpa senyumanmu
Sayang ku mencintaimu